Thursday, March 01, 2007


It is amazing what a few days, and the first day of a new month can do for me. I looked down at my gas gauge last night, by Maci's urgent request, (she somehow sees the gas light come on from the backseat of our van). Thoughts rushed through my head of how I needed my camera to take a picture of my "tank being empty". I could blog about this, I thought. Then I realized that a post about my tank being empty, wouldn't be an accurate post, not today anyway~Last week, YES!! As I drove on, I thought I'll take a picture of the gauge after I fill up and that will sum up how I'm feeling today.

If any of you read my post from Sunday, about being happy(or not-so happy), you probably thought I had serious issues. You would have thought things were terrible, they were never going to get better, and maybe even thought I should be "committed", for being so unhappy. Well, I made a pact with myself, that I was changing. I wasn't going to let the little things that go wrong, the things that didn't turn out just perfect(in my eyes), the weather, grumpy kids...effect the way I felt. The first day was rough. I cried a lot, felt sorry for myself, thought my life was terrible, when in fact I am so richly blessed. I just had to get past the felling sorry for myself, and the world is against me thoughts, and then I was okay.

On Sunday at our Stake Conference several speakers mentioned President Hinckley's challenge, back in August of 2005, of reading the Book Of Mormon, before the end of the year. I did finish the challenge(a few days late) that I started in September. For some reason or another, I hadn't heard about the challenge right away, so I got a little late start. Since then (I am publicly confessing) I haven' t read my scriptures on a regular basis, for personal benefit, since. I know, SAD, but true. I can't believe I finished it in just a few short months, when given the challenge and promise of great blessings, but on a normal routine day I can't find a few minutes to sit, read and ponder, something I believe so dearly in. I even said to someone recently, that I needed President Hinckley to issue a challenge every few months so I take reading my scriptures more seriously. There is something about being given a challenge and accomplishing it. I guess I see a competitive streak in myself.

So since Sunday evening, I am happy to report I have read almost 100 pages in the Book Of Mormon. For you non-LDS gals, this is huge (for me anyway). It has been if I have picked up a best seller book at the bookstore, started reading it and can't seem to put it down. I've never been this way about scripture reading before. I usually tend to fall asleep after reading just a few verses, or think okay just one chapter tonight so I can mark it off of my to-do list. I also have read several articles in the Ensign and even read some of the Friend with my girls. I l also haven't freaked out about the house being a little more of a mess, because I sat down and did something just for me, rather than be on my feet non-stop all day, so things don't get neglected, when in reality I have been neglecting the most important thing, myself!

So today, on the first day of March, I can happily report that not only does my car have a full tank of gas, I too have been "refueled", thanks to reading my scriptures, saying my personal prayers, and changing my attitude.


jenny said...

That's so inspiring Ang! I guess I should follow you great example and read my BOM too. I am glad you found an outlet to make you feel better--now can you rub that on me??

Unknown said...

You sound recharged. Good for you! :)

sista # 2 said...

There's nothing better than the scriptures & Ensign, huh! Thanx for the reminder of refueling-ciao

Bridget said...

Way to go Ang! Glad you are feeling better. Can't wait to treat you to a Chuy's lunch in a couple of weeks!

Jill said...

Wow, 100 pages since Sunday is tremendous! I've been reading the Book of Mormon since January 4th and will finish by my birthday in July. It has been totally manageable and rewarding. I feel like such a chump for needing to commit myself and have a schedule in order to get in the habit of reading every day, but it's working so I guess I should just be grateful.

Kari said...

Thanks for the inspiration, Angie! I need help, too, when it comes to reading the scriptures lately. For me lately, a verse or two is considered a good day!

Thanks for reminding me I need to change that! And about your happiness post, no it doesn't change my opinion of you at all -- it improves it because I realize that you are human!!!

And I have to comment about your great minds think alike post too -- that is SO hilarious!! So great you have such a great and thoughtful eternal companion!!

Have a fantastic day!!

jenny said...

I'm testing out my new picture :0

Anna said...

Why is it so hard sometimes to find the time to read the scriptures when we certainly have time to watch tv, chat on the phone, blog, etc. I am totally guilty of this too! Thanks for the reminder to refuel daily!

Amanda said...

That is totally awesome! I usually don't feel that way about reading my scriptures, too--glad that you are fueled up!!

Kelly said...

Funny how that works isn't it? I too was inspired by the talks in Stake Conference about the scriptures. I was boasting to a friend that I had read the scrips every day this week, (which was on Wed. so I was boasting that I had read them for three days. Whoop de do!)

She made the comment that reading was second nature to her, couldn't imagine missing it, but she beat herself up about missing exercise.

I'm the reverse, I can exercise every day. Then I started thinking back to when I committed to exercise and how it became a habit I craved so easily. So this reading thing will become second nature soon too!

Anyway, good job on the new goals, you sound so sunny!

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of Anna's post today about doing something for your soul. I don't turn to scriptures often enough to do that. Thanks for the inspiration today!

andrea said...

100 pages is amazing. I loved this post. It's amazing how just doing the little things can give us the boost we need.

michelle said...

Way to go! I did Pres. Hinckley's challenge, too, but haven't been very good about reading since. What's up with that? Maybe I should make a schedule like Jill does. 100 pages in less than a week is amazing! Hooray to feeling refueled.

carlo said...

that is such a great pic and meaning behind your post. love it!

Laurie said...

Excellent post! I am the same way -I keep thinking "I need President Hinckley to challenge me again!" Really I just need to show my own commitment. Way to go!

Crystalyn said...

angie thanks for writing this. i needed it. i hate to admit that since i've had kids i struggle with my scripture reading frequency. and at times when my frequency is good i sometimes don't feel really connected with them. i realize i've been running on empty lately and your post is just what i needed. thanks angie!

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